Why your Kid doesn’t need an Agent

children-theater-playsThe biggest misconceptions in getting your child in the acting and modeling industry is needing an agent. It’s understandable because many newbie parents will assume that is how they break into the industry.

Unfortunately, many so called agencies will prey on wanna be talent stars.  These so called talent scouts will cruise around the malls and tell you that your child got what it takes to make it.  They will sell you a dream and it’s hook line and sinker.

Before you sign on the dotted line you need to gain some industry knowledge.  It is very true that a good agent will not take any money upfront.  But you do need to know that there is a significant investment.  You need head shots and training.  This obviously has a major cost.  Then before you know it, your child starts growing so fast that they don’t look like their pictures anymore.  That you means you need MORE head shots.  Which means more money!

That is why I say that looking for an agent first is a big no no.  Start by checking your local acting/theater schools.  Many of them require an upfront or monthly fee tuition.  It is completely fine to pay the theater for your child to be on the Annie or Wizard of Oz play, etc etc.  It’s great training and it helps your child to see if their passionate about it.  It’s like basic training to become a professional actor.

The experience is amazing and you get to know other like minded parents.  Many of these parents will share information with you and you will that much more about the child acting industry.

I suggest doing several of these programs.  It will help build up your child’s resume.  When their ready, this is something that you can present to a potential agent.

Want to learn more? Download my ebook the Kids Acting and Modeling Guide.

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