Pretty Mogul -Entrepreneur Program for young girls

Aja had a fabulous experience at the Pretty Mogul Entrepreneurship Summer Camp. The goal of Pretty Mogul . Pretty Mogul’s mission is to Empower, Enlighten and Educate young women by instilling positive values, building self esteem and creating a MOGUL mindset. This was her first time at the camp and she didn’t win but you… Continue reading Pretty Mogul -Entrepreneur Program for young girls

Clark Howard Christmas Kids Event

This was Aja’s first time volunteering for Clark Howard’s Christmas Kids Event. For over 25 years Clark Howard has been collecting and giving Foster Kids of Georgia Christmas presents. What we especially liked was the fact that these kids get EXACTLY what they wanted. They don’t just receive random kids toys, what they ask for… Continue reading Clark Howard Christmas Kids Event

Performance at Super Bowl LII

Aja has doing competitive Rhythmic Gymnastics for the last 3 years. Earlier in the year her team had a fabulous opportunity to participate in Super Bowl LII in Atlanta, Georgia. Rest of the photos the Super Bowl performance